Allison was born on July 25, 2004 @ 9:03am. She weighed 7 lbs. 10 oz. and was 20.5 in. long. Clay was born on July 5, 2007 at 5:58am. He was 9 lbs. 2 oz. and 22.5 in. long. This is our life.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Allison was a princess and Clay was a scarecrow!

Our pretty princess!

Our cute scarecrow!

A Halloween party at Shaylee and Grace's house on Halloween!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Let me out of here!

Clay really tries hard to get out of his bouncy seat. He grabs on to the top, kicks his feet and arches his back trying to scoot out of it.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Picking out pumpkins

Allison couldn't wait to pick out pumpkins! She thought it was so fun to get a wagon to put her pumpkins in.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Last day of play school

Sea Angels was closing and we are sad! This was Alli's last day with her class.

Allison was listening carefully to her teacher.

Playing with the pom pom's.

Her class.

Clay was even enjoying the pom pom's.

The kids having snack time. They were having cake today to celebrate the great time they had at school.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Here comes the binky fairy

Alli is ready for the binky fairy to come visit her. Last night she ran around the house to find all her binkies and she put them in the baby gift bag. She will then leave this bag for the fairy to take away. We told her that the fairy was taking her binkies back to their mommies, which made it easier on Alli to let go of them. There is also a letter that tells the fairy where she lives and what she would like in place of her binkies. We also decided that the fairy might be hungry so we left her a slice of cherry pie.

We thought bed time would be a big battle without a binky, but she did great. She asked for it a couple times in the night, but did fine.

Alli woke up and found that the binky fair had been to our house. Her binky's were gone but now she had two fish. The fairy also left her some tickets to go and buy a few balloons. She can't wait to get her balloons. The fairy even at her cherry pie.

Alli is having some quality time with her new fishies.

Alli with her new balloons.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Where's Alli

Alli fell asleep on her bed wrapped up in her netting. After the picture, I unwrapped her so she could sleep more peacefully.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Helping Mommy with dinner

Allison was helping Mommy with dinner by peeling potatoes. She did a great job!

We put Clay in the little high chair and he seemed to like it for a little while.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

A Picnic

Alli wanted to eat her dinner outside...she wanted a picnic!

Clay found his toes

Clay likes his toes now!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Update on our sick little boy

Today he went back to the doctor because last night went so awful. He was up crying most of the night. I had to sleep with him upright in bed because anytime he laid down he screamed. Poor little guy! The doctor wanted to check his ears, but they came back clear so he was just not feeling well from the bad cold. His croupy cough is all gone which is great. He looks even worse today, but has been sleeping a bit better. We hope he will get better really soon. He smiles with his red, watery eyes and congested nose. He wants to play and be happy it is just so hard when you are three months old and have a bad cold.

Alli paints her nails

Alli and Mommy did a silent auction at her school and we one a lot of princess/girl things such as nail polish. Alli got four colors of nail polish and decided to apply them all to her fingers. She thought they were so pretty! She had a great time doing her nails. She asked me if I wanted her to paint my nails...I decided that now is not the time for that. Ha!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Clay's first big illness

Big sister Allison caught a cold and decided to share it with little brother. We tried to keep Alli's cold away from him, but it is hard when she wants to be near him all the time. She is very concerned about her sick brother now. This morning we decided to take Clay to the doctor because of his cough. After checking Clay out the doctor said that he has croup with stridor. He looks and sounds terrible. Because of his young age this is a bad thing for him to have and to speed up his healing they gave him a steroid shot. By 8 pm that evening his cough was much better sounding and he was breathing as good as he can with a bad cold. We will see how the night goes...he sounds and looks miserable.

He wasn't crying when I took this picture, those tears and red eyes are from his eyes watering. They have been doing that all day.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Our handsome little boy

Our handsome and happy little boy!

Mimi always like yellow on Alli, I think Clay looks cute in yellow too. What do you think Mimi?

What a smile!

Check out those cheeks!

3 months and 3 years old

Clay is 3 months old and he is 15 lbs!

A happy 3 month old!

A cute picture!

3 month old Clay and 3 years old Allison

Clay and big sister Alli

Love forever